Podcasts by Category

ABC Radio Franengnol

ABC Radio Franengnol

ABC Radio

The ABC Trilingual radio podcast weblog

8 - Espisode 3-Globish
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  • 8 - Espisode 3-Globish

    In this episode Profes Flores and Navarro discuss the evaluation of languages and how Globish may be the possibility for true Global talk.

    Wed, 15 Feb 2012 - 05min
  • 7 - Episode 2

    Welcome to a special 2nd Episode, completely in Spanish. If you enjoy our podcasts please subscribe either here or on iTunes.

    Tue, 17 Jan 2012 - 02min
  • 6 - Episode 1

    Welcome to our first episode, which the students have produced in both Spanish and French with the help of their teachers.

    Tue, 13 Dec 2011 - 06min
  • 5 - Welcome to ABC Radio Frangleñol!

    Welcome to ABC Radio Frangleñol! Please listen to our trilingual introduction. You will be able to download our latest podcasts here as well as through our iTunes channel.

    Fri, 25 Nov 2011 - 04min