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Scala Love

Scala Love

Scala Love

Podcast about the Scala Programming Language and its community

25 - Scala Valentines #5, Part 2
0:00 / 0:00
  • 25 - Scala Valentines #5, Part 2

    0:36 Single command Scala setup by Alex Archambault 3:21 Polynote, A better notebook for Scala 8:31 The Parallel typeclass in Cats - Scala tutorial (Video) by Jakub Kozłowski 12:19 Analyze Stacktraces with Metals and organize import using scalafix 16:40 Safe, Expressive Code with Refinement Types

    Sun, 27 Sep 2020 - 19min
  • 24 - Scala Valentines #5, Part 1

    0:11 Women in tech conference! 1:14 Dotty is Scala 3 now! 3:13 Scala 3 is a community powered release 6:42 Demo of mixing macros for Scala 2 and 3 8:23 Dotty ScalaJS NodeJS example 9:45 Scala Native thoughts 13:13 SBT 1.4.0-RC2 17:42 We're not that grumpy, grumpy time!

    Sun, 27 Sep 2020 - 18min
  • 23 - Things you need to know about JVM with Mateusz Kubuszok

    0:15 Mateusz Kubuszok 1:35 Projects Mateusz worked with 2:54 Favourite Scala stack 3:57 Chimney 5:55 Thoughts about advanced Scala techinques (i.e. Macro, Shapeless), how to apply them 8:10 Cat theory experience 15:21 Recursion Schemes application 23:47 JVM Scala book 30:3 A couple of GC related take-aways from the book 32:52 Benchmarking and micro optimization issues 41:42 JVM tooling and ecosystem (profiling and bytecode lookup)

    Thu, 24 Sep 2020 - 50min
  • 22 - Hands on Scala With Li Haoyi

    0:25 Li Hayoi 0:43 Hello, Seattle 0:59 When did you start Scala? 5:24 Hands on Scala 5:57 Mill and Ammonite 11:30 Why writing a book about Scala? 14:18 5 chapters are for free! 24:51 Getting things done in Scala REPL 47:34 Scala 3

    Mon, 07 Sep 2020 - 53min
  • 21 - Scala Valentines #4

    00:22 @manning “Women in Tech” 01:02 Dotty 0.27.0-RC1 01:45 Scala 3 has built-in implicit search negation 01:47 Scala 3 has built-in implicit search negation 02:58 Scala Library Next 04:51 Scala Knowledge Bits by Leo Benkel 06:04 Functional Design by John de Goes 07:34 Things you need to know about JVM (that matter in Scala) (book) by Mateusz Kubuszok 10:57 What’s coming up in sttp client 3 12:15 Generate native-image binaries with sbt 13:19 SBT Native client 13:53 Scale by the bay

    Sat, 05 Sep 2020 - 14min
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