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港少少 ‧ 扮代表 | Chit Chat ‧ Hong Kong

港少少 ‧ 扮代表 | Chit Chat ‧ Hong Kong

Chit Chat Hong Kong

究竟你對「生於斯、長於斯」嘅地方認識幾多?知道幾多?又到過幾多? 希望我哋呢個平台可以作為一個引旨,帶大家一齊用最隨心所欲嘅方式去認識周遭嘅環境,發掘有趣嘅事物。 What do you know about Hong Kong? We hope this platform can show you a different view of Hong Kong. Please follow our instagram: 廣東話/粵語頻道

40 - [齊來長知識] EP39-香港足球|Hong Kong Football
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  • 40 - [齊來長知識] EP39-香港足球|Hong Kong Football

    四年一度嘅世界盃又開鑼啦,正值呢股熱潮,今集就同大家講吓香港嘅足球史。想知多啲,就要收聽呢一集啦。順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。

    The World Cup is now in full swing. To catch up with this craze, we will talk about the history of football in Hong Kong. Wanna know more? Don’t miss this episode and remember to follow

    Mon, 05 Dec 2022 - 13min
  • 39 - [區區有睇頭] EP38-屯門(上集)|Tuen Mun (Part I)

    一直以來,屯門俾外界嘅印象係山旯旮、大西北、屯門公路經常塞車等負面標籤。但原來呢個地方係一個寶藏,佢擁有六千多年嘅豐厚歷史,除咗大量文物出土之外,仲係一個軍事海防重鎮。想刷新你對屯門嘅刻板印象?千祈唔好錯過今集精彩嘅內容。順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。

    For a long time, the impression of Tuen Mun from outsiders is lots of negative labels such as remote area, far away from the city centre, and frequent traffic jams on Tuen Mun Road, but it turns out that this place is a treasure as it has a rich history of more than 6,000 years. Not only is a large number of cultural relics being unearthed, but also an important military and coastal defensive area. If you would like to demolish your stereotype of Tuen Mun?  Don't miss this episode and

    Mon, 21 Nov 2022 - 17min
  • 38 - [區區有睇頭] EP37-虎豹別墅|Haw Par Mansion

    擁有80多年歷史嘅虎豹別墅雖然透過「活化歷史建築夥伴計劃」活化成虎豹樂圃,但由於營運機構面對財務困難,於2022年12月1日起停止運作,把建築物交回政府。換言之,公眾剩返一個月時間參觀虎豹別墅。入場之前,可以收聽今集,了解多啲歷史同建築特色,順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。

    Haw Par Mansion, which has a history of more than 80 years, has been revived into Haw Par Music through the "Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme", but due to the financial difficulties faced by the operating organization, it will cease to operate from 1 December 2022 and the building will be handed over to the Government. In other words, the public has one month left to visit Haw Par Mansion. Before visiting, you can listen to this episode to learn more about its history and architectural features. Please remember to listen to this episodeand follow

    Mon, 31 Oct 2022 - 16min
  • 37 - [區區有睇頭] EP36-饒宗頤文化館|Jao Tsung-I Academy

    饒宗頤文化館係發展局推出「活化歷史建築夥伴計劃」下嘅首批活化項目。坐落於美孚山上嘅建築群,清幽恬靜、遠離煩囂,擁有超過一百年歷史,曾經先後用作不同用途,如稅關、華工屯舍、檢疫站、軍營、監獄、傳染病醫院和精神病療養院等等。想知其演變史,記得收聽今集,順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 

    Jao Tsung-I Cultural Centre is the first batch of revitalization projects under the "Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme" launched by the Development Bureau. Located on the mid-level of Mei Foo, the building complex is quiet, away from the hustle and bustle. It has a history of more than 100 years and has been used for different purposes, such as tax customs station, Chinese labour camp, quarantine station, military camp, prison, infectious disease hospital and psychiatric sanatorium etc. If you want to know its evolution history, remember to listen to this episodeand follow

    ***更正: 本集提及的港督應為盧吉爵士(Sir Frederick John Dealtry Lugard),而非盧押(Charles Camac Luard),不便之處,敬請見諒。

    Mon, 17 Oct 2022 - 17min
  • 36 - [齊來長知識] EP35-防洪|Flood Prevention

    大家有無留意,近年香港因颱風水浸嘅情況大大減少?原來渠務署用咗防洪三招去預防及改善水浸情況。想知多啲,就要收聽呢一集啦。順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。

    Have you noticed that in recent years, the flooding situation in Hong Kong due to typhoons has greatly decreased? It turns out that Drainage Services Department (DSD) has used three flood control strategies. Wanna know more? Don’t miss this episode and remember to follow

    Mon, 26 Sep 2022 - 15min
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