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News For Kids

567 - Bus Brings Banned Books To All
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  • 567 - Bus Brings Banned Books To All

    Bus Brings Banned Books To All Books are magical. They tell us new stories. They teach us new things. They open our minds and hearts. Books bring people together. With books, we can learn from different people from different places! 書籍告訴我們新的故事,教我們新的事物,也打開我們的心胸,讓我們可以從書裡學習不同地方的人。 But sometimes some people don't like the stories in some books. So they ban the books. That means no one can read them! 但有時候不是每一個人都喜歡書裡的故事,有人就會禁止這些書,不讓人閱讀。 LGBTQ+ stories are banned in some places. This makes some kids feel sad. 像是有一些地方禁止關於同性戀、雙性戀、跨性別跟酷兒相關的書,讓有一些小朋友感到難過。 RuPaul is a famous drag queen. His friends made the Rainbow Book Bus. It holds many banned books. 魯保羅是知名的變裝皇后。他的朋友打造了一輛彩虹書巴士,車上有很多禁書。 RuPaul helped the bus go to places where the books are banned. Everywhere it went, people came to get banned books for free. RuPaul helped his friends give away seven thousand books! These books help some kids feel less alone. 這輛巴士會到書籍被禁止的地方,讓大家免費拿取。魯保羅幫他朋友送出7000本書,陪伴一些小朋友。 RuPaul says reading books helped him learn about the world. 魯保羅說看書能讓他更了解世界。 Now he's sharing his love of learning with people everywhere. The Rainbow Book Bus is more than a bus full of books. It's a place full of caring and joy for everyone! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 魯保羅希望讓更多人看到有關性別平等的書。 1. read 閱讀 You've been reading for a long time.你看書看了好久了。 Yeah, reading is not my thing, 對,我不愛看書的, but this book is different. 不過這本不一樣。 2. give away 贈送 Different how? 怎麼個不一樣? Well, the library was giving them away and I just took one. 圖書館在送這本書,所以我就拿了一本。 3. for free 免費的 Okay, so you got it for free.所以你得到免費的書。 Right, and after I began reading it, I couldn't stop. 對,然後我一開始看就停不下來。 Let me guess. It's a book about food. 我猜它是講食物的書。 4. full of 充滿的 Yes, how did you know that? 對,你怎麼知道的? It's full of stories about strange foods. 它裡面都是奇怪食物的故事。 Do you like reading? read閱讀 give away贈送 for free免費的 full of充滿的 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What do RuPaul and his friends do with banned books? a. Sell them b. Buy them c. Give them away 2. How many free books were given? a. Seven hundred b. Seven thousand c. Seventy thousand 3. How did RuPaul learn about the world? a. Read books b. Drove buses c. Banned books Answers: 1. c 2. b 3. a

    Wed, 08 May 2024
  • 566 - Screen Time Takes Talk Time from Young Kids

    Screen Time Takes Talk Time from Young Kids Do you love screen time? There are screens on computers, smartphones, tablets, and TVs… Maybe you watch videos! Maybe you play games! Screen time is fun! 你喜歡看螢幕嗎?像是用電腦、手機、平板跟電視看影片或打電玩。 But is it good for young kids? They don't know many words. Most kids need to learn how to talk. They learn how to talk from their families. 但這對幼兒好嗎? 他們還不知道很多字,他們需要從家人身上學習如何說話。 In Australia, scientists studied 220 families with a one-year-old kid. The parents recorded sounds around their kid. They recorded every six months. 澳洲的科學家研究220個有一歲幼兒的家庭。家長每六個月錄下小孩周圍的聲音。 Scientists found three-year-old kids had about three hours of screen time a day. When they had screen time, their parents didn't talk much with them. The kids also didn't talk much. When kids weren't using screens, the parents and kids talked more. 科學家發現3歲的幼兒每天有差不多3小時盯著螢幕。這段時間,家長跟小朋友都很少講話。但小朋友沒有在看螢幕的時候,家長跟小孩就會多說話。 The scientists counted words… They learned parents say about 1,000 fewer words to their kids every day… because of screen time! 科學家發現,因為小朋友常盯著螢幕,所以家長每天跟他們少說大約1000個字。 Young kids need to hear and use many words. That's how they learn to talk! Do you have younger brothers or sisters? Talk with them, even when they're using a screen! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 父母或是兒童在電腦或是手機上花的時間越多,彼此之間交談的機會就越少。 1. smart 聰明的 How many steps now? 現在走了幾步了? Four thousand.四千步。 I thought it's already 8 thousand! 我以為已經走了八千步! Maybe your smartwatch is not that smart. 也許你的聰明手錶沒有那麼聰明。 2. watch 注意看 Are you kidding? I've been watching it. 開玩笑,我有一直在注意看。 Now it's 4,020.現在是四千零二十步。 This is more than a watch, you know. 你要知道這比一般手錶能幹。 3. record 記錄 It can record sounds, like the sounds from birds. 它可以錄音,比如說鳥的聲音。 4. when什麼時候 When did you buy it? 你什麼時候買的? Last week. I found it very useful. 上星期。我發現它非常有用。 Do you use a smartphone? smart聰明的 watch注意看 record記錄 when什麼時候 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. What do most young kids need to learn to do? a. Speak b. Use screens c. Count 2. How many families did scientists study? a. 22 b. 200 c. 220 3. What happens when young kids use screens? a. Kids speak more. b. Parents speak less. c. Parents speak more. Answers: 1. a 2. c 3. b

    Tue, 07 May 2024
  • 565 - Saving Blue Crabs and Their Mangrove Forests

    Saving Blue Crabs and Their Mangrove Forests Women in one part of Ecuador love blue crabs. The crabs' top shell is blue. But their bottom shell is orange. Eight legs are red. Their claws are white! How colorful! 厄瓜多的女性喜歡藍螃蟹。這種螃蟹有藍色的殼,橘色的腹部,牠們的八隻腳是紅色的,螯是白色的。 The delicious blue crabs are food for the women's families. Selling crabs gives the women jobs. Blue crabs are very important to them. They sing about the crabs! 這種美味的螃蟹對這些女性很重要。不僅是她們家庭的食物,還以賣這種螃蟹維生。 The crabs live in mangrove forests. They eat mangrove leaves. But many mangrove trees were cut down. Their home became much smaller. Then there weren't many crabs. 這些螃蟹住在紅樹林,吃紅樹林的樹葉。但是有太多樹被砍伐,讓牠們的數量越來越少。 The crabs help the women. Now the women help the crabs. The women follow strict rules. 這些螃蟹對當地婦女大有幫助,現在換她們遵守嚴格的規定來幫螃蟹的忙。 One rule says don't catch crabs during two important times every year. During the first time, the crabs find mates. During the second time, the crabs move into bigger shells. 首先,不可以在每年交配期跟換殼期抓藍螃蟹。 Another rule says don't cut down mangrove trees. The women are planting mangrove trees too. Now there are more blue crabs! 另一個規定是不可以砍紅樹林。她們也培植紅樹林,現在才有了更多藍螃蟹。 The women are saving the blue crabs. They're saving the mangrove forests for the crabs too. Now their children and grandchildren will enjoy both! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 在厄瓜多,藍螃蟹跟人類可說是互相幫忙。 1. colorful 多色彩的 We're having crabs for dinner. 我們晚飯吃螃蟹。 Crabs! I love crabs! 螃蟹! 我很愛螃蟹! Yeah, I know. 是啊,我知道。 Look at these little creatures. 看看這些小東西。 They're so colorful! 好多顏色! 2. catch 捕捉 I've never seen them before. 我從沒看過這種。 They don't come from here, right? 他們不是本地產的吧? No. Fishermen in South America catch them and sell them here. 對。是南美洲的漁夫抓到運來這裡的。 3. delicious 美味的 Wow, they must be delicious and expensive! 哇,一定很好吃,也很貴。 You're right. 你說對了。 4. enjoy 享受 Ummm, this tastes really good! 這味道真好! Don't you want one? 你不要一個嗎? No, I enjoy watching you eat. 不了,我喜歡看你吃。 這些單字你記住了嗎? colorful多色彩的 catch捕捉 delicious美味的 enjoy享受 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. Where do the blue crabs live? a. Leaves b. Forests c. Claws 2. What happened to the mangrove trees? a. They were eaten. b. They were burned. c. They were cut down. 3. What do the women do to save the blue crabs? a. Follow rules b. Build roads c. Catch more crabs Answers: 1. b 2. c 3. a

    Mon, 06 May 2024
  • 564 - Emotions That Feel Bad Can Be Good

    Emotions That Feel Bad Can Be Good Hulk: "Hulk Smash!!!" Narrator: That's Bruce Banner. When he's happy, he's a person like us. 那是班納博士,當他開心的時候,他就像我們一樣是個人類。 But sometimes he feels another emotion: anger. He doesn't like it. It feels bad. He becomes a big green monster. He's the Incredible Hulk! He fights bad guys! He uses anger to protect people and save the world! 但他憤怒的時候,他就變成綠巨人浩克打擊犯罪,維護和平。 We want to protect the people and things we care about. But when something is stopping us, we get angry! 我們都想保護我們在乎的人跟事物。但是當有東西阻攔我們,我們就會感到憤怒。 Being angry feels bad. But anger makes us stronger. We can fight better against what's stopping us. Anger can help us protect things. 雖然憤怒的感覺不好,但憤怒可以讓我們更強大,也會幫助我們守護事物。 Being anxious feels bad too. We are anxious when we see danger coming. But being anxious can be useful. It helps us get ready for the danger. Then when the danger is here, we are okay! 當我們覺得危機來臨,就會焦慮。雖然焦慮的感覺也不好,但這個情緒可以讓我們準備好面對危機。 A big test at school can make us anxious. So we study hard. Then when the test day comes, we're ready for it! 比如說學校的考試會讓我們焦慮,所以我們會努力念書面對考試。 Some emotions feel bad. But they can be useful for us too. What emotions feel bad to you? Think about how they can help you! ________________________________________ Vocabulary 有時候負面的情緒會讓我們學習,給我們力量。 1. anxious 焦慮的 What's wrong? 怎麼了? Why do you look so anxious? 你為什麼看起來這麼憂慮? I'm about to take a big test.我馬上就有一個大考試。 2. angry 生氣的 I'd be very angry at myself if I fail.要是沒過我會對自己很生氣。 Hey, stop thinking that way! 不要這麼想! I know you. You study hard.我知道你,你很用功的。 3. study 讀書 You'll ace this one.這次你也會表現很棒。 No, this time I didn't study at all. 不,這回我根本沒讀書。 4. feel 感覺 A big test is coming and you didn't study at all? 大考試要來,而你完全沒有讀? What were you thinking? 你在想什麼? Now I really feel sick. 現在我真的覺得要吐了。 今天的單字你還記得嗎? anxious焦慮的 angry生氣的 study讀書 feel感覺 ________________________________________ Quiz 1. What is Bruce Banner when he's angry? a. A man b. A test c. A monster 2. Which feeling can help us protect things? a. Happiness b. Anger c. Anxiety 3. Which feeling can help us get ready for danger? a. Happiness b. Anger c. Anxiety Answers: 1. c 2. b 3. c

    Sun, 05 May 2024
  • 563 - Telescope Finds An Old, Old Galaxy

    Telescope Finds An Old, Old Galaxy Tomorrow is Star Wars Day! So here’s a story about a galaxy far, far away… 明天是星際大戰日! Telescopes let us see things that are very far away. We can see the moon, stars, and planets. The bigger the telescope is, the more we can see. 望遠鏡可以讓我們看到很遠的東西,像是月球、恆星、還有行星。望遠鏡越大,看得越遠。 The James Webb Telescope is the biggest telescope in space today. It goes around and around the sun. It takes pictures. Then it sends them to Earth. Scientists study the pictures. 詹姆士.韋伯望遠鏡是現今最大的太空望遠鏡。它環繞太陽拍照,再傳回地球給科學家研究。 This telescope takes many cool pictures! It took pictures that show how stars are made. It also took pictures of a small galaxy. Scientists say this galaxy is the oldest we have seen. They say it made between one hundred million stars… and one billion stars! 它拍了很多很酷的照片,讓人看到星星是怎麼形成的,也拍到人類到現在為止看過的最古老的銀河,這個銀河產生了有高達一億到十億個星星。 This galaxy died thirteen billion years ago! That means it stopped making stars then. 但這個銀河在130億年前就不再形成新的星球了。 Telescopes let us see new things far, far away in space! Who knows what pictures the Webb Telescope will send next? Have a great Star Wars Day tomorrow… Tomorrow is May the fourth. It’s a good day to say “May the force be with you!” Vocabulary 韋伯太空望遠鏡拍攝的照片,大大增加科學家對太空的了解。 1. million 百萬 Wow, check out this cluster of stars! 哇,你看這一群星星! It’s like they’re having a party there! 他們好像在那兒開派對! Let me see it. 讓我看看。 Yeah, there must be millions of stars there! 對啊,那裏一定有好幾百萬顆星星。 2. billion 十億 No, way more than that. 不對,比那個多很多。 I would say billions of them. 我想有好幾十億顆。 3. go around 環繞 Do you think they all go around one center? 你覺得星星都繞著一個中心轉嗎? That’s a good question. 好問題。 picture 照片、圖片 Google says they do. 谷歌說是那樣沒錯。 We can find some pictures to prove that. 我們可以找到一些照片來證明這一點。 我們一起讀單字。 million百萬 billion十億 go around環繞 picture照片、圖片 Quiz 1. What day is tomorrow? a. Star Wars Day b. Star Force Day c. Star Tours Day 2. What does the Webb Telescope go around? a. The sun b. The moon c. The Earth 3. How many years ago did this galaxy stop making stars? a. Ninety million b. One billion c. Thirteen billion Answers: 1. a 2. a 3. c

    Thu, 02 May 2024
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