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Career Hacker Secrets

Career Hacker Secrets

Yannick Kpodar

If you’re looking to pivot into your next big role, make more impact, increase your salary, or break into a top tech company, this podcast is for you. Yannick Kpodar, a LinkedIn alum, was once a struggling business graduate who couldn’t find a job. Through trial and error, he learned the “secrets” to hacking the job hunt process and leapfrogging in his career. Since then, he’s been able to break into B2B Sales in a Fortune 100 company, pivot into Product Marketing at Linkedin in San Francisco, 3x his income, and then jump 3 positions to a global director role at a top 40 startup in Europe. Yannick is now recognized as a top 100 Product Marketing influencer, and he’s on a quest to inspire people to dream big. Tune into the Career Hacker Secrets podcast to listen to interviews from real people who pivoted into incredible jobs in top tech companies against all odds. From fashion stylist to 7-figure enterprise account executive at LinkedIn, from musician to a senior director at Salesforce, you’ll learn everything you need to take your career to the next level. Check us out at

14 - #12: Going All In
0:00 / 0:00
  • 14 - #12: Going All In

    Welcome to the Career Hacker Mini Series. These are really short episodes that get straight to the point and tackle real-world challenges among career hackers in less than 10 minutes

    In this episode, we're taking a bite out of Going All In. We go through the 7 steps you'll need to build the conviction to do whatever it takes to break into a top company, break into a top leadership role, or pivot into the job of your dreams

    This is for anyone looking to take their skills, career, or life to the next level. 


    01:32 - The three levels of commitment01:37 - Level 1: I’ll try01:48 - Level 2: I’ll do my best02:08 - Level 3: Whatever it takes02:47 - Seven steps to improve your level of commitment02:58 - Step 1: Start with the end in mind03:22 - Step 2: Define your goal03:41 - Step 3: Find your Why04:42 - Step 4: Identify your Dream 10005:17 - Step 5: Reach out to your Dream 10005:33 - Step 6: Make a decision05:46 - Step 7: Define a Game Plan06:00 - Quick overview
    Thu, 10 Jun 2021
  • 13 - #11: How to Land Your Dream Job After Getting Let Go with Dominik Mertens

    Welcome to the 11th episode of the Career Hackers Secrets Podcast. Today we welcome Dominik Mertens, a mother of 3who, after running events in higher education for 15 years, lost her job due to Covid

    Despite her fear of not knowing what was next, she didn't settle. She didn't lose sight of her goal, and she managed to pivot into an incredible new career. Today Dominik is Chief Customer Officer at Bond, a platform that assists schools and organizations with digital transformation and virtual community building.

    In today’s episode, we will discuss job hunting, preparing for interviews, and negotiating a salary. We will also touch on why you shouldn’t assume you don't have the skillset for a new industry and field and why you are never too old to pivot

    Finally, we will discuss the importance of knowing and advocating for other priorities in life, such as being a mom.

    This is an inspiring story, and I hope this episode will inspire as much as it inspired me. So if you are someone who recently lost your job and is looking to bounce back and redefine your career, this episode is for you.


    00:00 - Introducing Dominik Mertens

    03:04 - Dominik’s background: From Belgium to Barcelona and traveling all over the world

    05:00 - The new job: Sales and building relationships

    05:20 - Bond’s mission: Education and private community engagement

    06:17 - Being let go due to Covid and bouncing back

    08:40 - What inspired you to make this pivot? Focusing on the next step

    10:40 - What options did you have available? Looking for jobs and filling out my Linkedin profile

    12:18 - How long did the search take, and how did you approach it? Keep your energy up and be realistic

    14:50 - What was the thing that helped you move forward? Believing in myself: If you want something to happen badly enough, it will happen

    16:30- The three levels of commitment

    17:41 - How did you determine this was a good opportunity? Because of how the job was described: Humanizing technology and sales as building relationships / Don’t assume you don't have the skillset for a new job, since a lot of skills are transferable

    20:42 - Were there some skills you didn't have? How did you bridge the gap? Acquiring digital knowledge / Setting clear expectations about what soft skills you have and what hard skills you need to learn

    23:04 - How did you prepare for interviews? Googling, looking at the competitors, thinking about what would you reply to questions, and showing interest

    24:59 - The five C's: A framework to identify blind spots in a company

    25:50 - Read the company’s website and focus on your strong areas

    26:35 - Negotiating your salary when you are starting: Let them make the first offer and know your priorities (family first)

    30:50 - Being a mom and a career woman

    32:29 - Why do you think you got hired over other candidates? Being authentic, knowing your value, and being humble

    34:14 - What advice would you give to someone who wants to pivot? Think about what are your transferable skills. You are never too old because experience is worth gold

    37:17 - Any last words of wisdom? Don't worry if you don't have a clear path, new opportunities come.

    Tue, 08 Jun 2021
  • 12 - #10: Finding Self-Compassion and Pivoting Into Your Dream Job with Selma Chang

    Welcome to the tenth episode of the Career Hackers Secrets Podcast. Today we chat with Selma Chang, a rock star product marketer who pivoted from sales. 

    I met Selma atLinkedIn in San Francisco a few years ago when she was passionate about pivoting into product marketing. 

    You'll hear specifically how Selmaovercame imposter syndrome and how she overcame mental breakdowns to pursue her dreams. She hired a life coach to help build confidence while is making thatpivot to product marketing

    There are many excellent takeaways, and so I'm not going to spoil them, but let me just tell you this: If you're someone looking to pivot into your next play, have that negative self-talk, or you're battling imposter syndrome, this interview is for you. 

    Whether you're looking at pivoting into tech or pivoting within tech, you'll walk away feeling energizedand more compassionate with yourself so you can move forward swiftly towards your career. 


    00:00 - Introducing Selma Chang

    02:45 - Working at LinkedIn and exploring what's next: From sales to product marketing

    05:37 - Transitioning: Scared but ready for a change

    07:14 - What inspired you to pivot? Coffee chats, being confident, and working on side projects during weekends

    09:22 - How to find side projects

    11:03 - Working with a nonprofit: A place that usually needs extra hands on deck no matter what your experience level is

    13:09 - What was the most challenging part of making the switch?

    15:15 - Picking up new skills before becoming a product marketer

    16:03 - Taking on PMM side projects, landing interviews, and hiring a life coach

    18:21 - Having a breakdown

    19:20 - Applying for a new job

    0:40 - Getting interviews: Leverage your network and position your resume correctly

    23:27 - Preparing for interviews: Understand the language of your new position, tell your story right and take on more experience

    27:41 - Negotiating your salary when you are starting: Find the right mentor and leverage your knowledge

    30:35 - Landing the job and learning about yourself

    34:50 - Preparing for the new position

    36:55 - How has the new position been so far?

    39:07 - What’s next

    41:03 - What advice would you give your past self?

    42:06 - Where to find out more

    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review. We’d love to hear from you!

    If you’re looking to pivot into your next big role, make sure to subscribe to our member community. You can find us at

    Tue, 01 Jun 2021
  • 11 - #9: LinkedIn Premium, Is It Worth It?

    Welcome to the Career Hacker Mini-Series. These are really short episodes that get straight to the point in real-world challenges among career hackers in less than 10 minutes

    In this episode, we're taking a bite out of the reasons Why LinkedIn Premium is Worth It. You cannot afford to miss out on LinkedIn Premium, regardless of if you're job searching or not. Premium gives you access to valuable information, data, and expands your reach, all things that we will talk about in this episode.

    This is for anyone at any level looking to pivot into a new industry,break into a leadership role, or simply level up in their career.

    Looking for tips on how to improve your LinkedIn profile?Get the Linkedin Cheatsheet Mini-Guide below.


    00:46 - Is it worth it to have Linkedin Premium?01:02 - Deeper analytics01:52 - Wider Network02:05 - Who viewed your profile?02:31 - In-mail02:41 - Access to LinkedIn Learning03:12 - Conclusion 

    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review. We’d love to hear from you!

    If you’re looking to pivot into your next big role, make sure to subscribe to our member community. You can find us at

    Here is the link to the mini-guide:

    Thu, 27 May 2021
  • 10 - #8: From Musician Touring the World to Sr. Director at Salesforce with Latrice Barnett

    Welcome to the sixth episode of the Career Hackers Secrets Podcast. Today we welcome Latrice Barnett. Latrice was once a band musician touring the world, and now she is a Senior Director at Salesforce in Silicon Valley. We'll get into the details of how she decided to completely change her life after 9/11 when she quit her very lucrative job to become a full-time musician.

    Latrice learned a lot about becoming an artist, becoming comfortable on stage, and connecting with an audience. Then, utilizing these skills, she pivoted into a project management role in a creative agency and later into tech.

    As always, we dig deep into the challenges and behind-the-scenes struggles. Latrice successfully transitioned from being a night owl to being back in a corporate setting, all while dealing with impostor syndrome and being a black woman in tech.

    If you are looking to see how your current skills can help you pivot into a new opportunity in a top tech company from an incredibly different type of job or lifestyle, this episode is for you.


    00:00 - Introducing Latrice Barnett

    04:34 - Latrice’s background: Moving abroad, joining a band, and studying literature

    07:10 - Coming back to the States, doing tech and quitting to being an artist full-time

    11:02 - Pivoting into tech and project management: From landing an opportunity as a project manager and producer to joining Salesforce

    14:13 - The most challenging part of transitioning from being a musician on the road to being in an office

    15:16 - How did you approach landing interviews to break into different jobs? Understanding who your audience is and what do they want

    17:12 - What skills did you feel you didn't have? Book smarts vs. experience, and having the freedom to fail

    19:15 - Being open during the interviews process: The similarities between the music business and small businesses

    21:04 - The experience at Salesforce so far: Carving out a place for yourself at a larger company

    23:33 - What do you wish you would have known before getting into tech? The challenge of being a black woman in tech / The brainpower of many is more valuable than the brainpower of one

    25:34 - Advice for coping with impostor syndrome: Listen to your gut and look for people who can help you

    28:02 - Don't be afraid to reach out and connect with other people

    29:44 - Where to find out more about Latrice

    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review. We’d love to hear from you!

    If you’re looking to pivot into your next big role, make sure to subscribe to our member community. You can find us at

    Mon, 24 May 2021
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