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Faith Community Podcast

Faith Community Podcast

Amos Johnson Jr, PhD

Holy Spirit inspired content to grow your faith so you can achieve all that God has called you to do. This podcast is from Faith Community: One church discipling believers worldwide.

5324 - Workshop | The Kingdom of God Blueprint for Marriage
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  • 5324 - Workshop | The Kingdom of God Blueprint for Marriage

    The Kingdom of God is God’s way of doing things. In the Kingdom, there’s a way to approach marriage, and the Kingdom way of marriage is straightforward and simple. If we follow God’s blueprint for marriage, we will have a healthy and successful marriage. Creating our own version of marriage will lead to frustration and confusion. Therefore, let’s discover the Kingdom blueprint for marriage.

    Sat, 11 May 2024 - 2h 09min
  • 5323 - Daily Study | Creating success starts with faith words

    The success you desire to create through your endeavors is created with words of faith. Yes we need to put in work, but success created God’s way starts with words.

    Fri, 10 May 2024 - 05min
  • 5322 - Daily Study | “God is going to work it out” is not a strategy for success

    I have been guilty of this many times. Here is the story: God gives me an idea. I start implementing it, and then I run into some challenges. At this point, I throw up my hands and say, “God is going to work it out.” However, it crashes and burns. Did God let me down? No. The problem is that “God is going to work it out” is not a strategy for success. God needs us to plan.

    Thu, 09 May 2024 - 06min
  • 5321 - Daily Study | Why secular business people are more successful

    We hear many stories of successful non-Christian businesspeople in the news, and every now and then, we hear about a few Christians who have achieved success in business. Why does it seem like secular people are more successful in business than Christians? Well, the reason is that they have fully committed to their worldly system of success, whereas many Christians in business are wishy-washy. They try to do business God's way mixed with worldly principles, which is a recipe for frustration and failure.

    Wed, 08 May 2024 - 07min
  • 5320 - Open Forum | Engaging the Secular World & Witnessing to Non-Believers Through Spiritual Influence

    Pastor Amos and attendees tackled a range of topics centered around faith, authenticity, and resilience. Sonja, who founded "Christ Conquers Cancer," grappled with appearing on a secular podcast, but Pastor Amos encouraged her to embrace authenticity and bring light to that podcast. Alicia and Pastor Amos highlighted the significance of engaging the secular world and witnessing to non-believers through spiritual influence. Celine sought advice on pricing her consulting services and staying confident in her value, while Stephanie shared her journey of self-discovery and aligning her calling with her services. Balancing coaching, ministry, and financial sustainability emerged as a challenge, and the group offered support to Alicia in navigating this path. Josica's struggles with narcissistic abuse and impending eviction brought forth discussions on resilience, practical help, and accountability. Throughout the episode, the group rallied around faith, encouraging each other through biblical examples and shared testimonies.

    Tue, 07 May 2024 - 1h 17min
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