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Tiny Workouts

Tiny Workouts


Short guided workouts for busy people. Tiny Workouts make a big difference.

12 - Squatzilla
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  • 12 - Squatzilla

    This is an Every Minute On The Minute (EMOM) workout challenge. We will be focusing on squats! This workout can be done with just bodyweight or weights. The ultimate goal is for you to be able to complete this workout, 10 sets of 10 reps while holding a weight that is equal to half your body weight. Don't have that much weight at home? That's fine, keep the goal in mind and be creative with how you add weight. Put cans in a backpack and use that as a weight, a child, or a sack of potatoes. Be creative, have fun, and challenge yourself! If you don't have weights at home, but do want an added challenge to increase your range of motion. If you can safely, squat lower than 90 degrees. Just listen to your body and focus on good form. Tiny Workouts make a Big Difference!

    Wed, 22 Apr 2020 - 13min
  • 11 - Agility Workout

    This Tiny Workout will challenge your speed, strength, and balance! This workout you need two markers. These markers could be washcloths, tea towels, resistance bands, etc. You just want to make sure that whatever you use, if you stepped on it, you wouldn't roll your ankle. I'm not responsible for any injuries you might incur. ;) Grab your markers, some water, and let's go! Music in this episode is from. Bruce Lee, Shifty, and Gargoyle's Numb End, Arp 220.

    Tue, 11 Feb 2020 - 14min
  • 10 - Full-body Cardio: Animal Style Workout!

    If you like your In and Out burger Animal Style then you might like this workout! This workout is a full-body  heart-pumping workout that is full of elementary school fun! I channeled some of my favorite PE class moves in this one. So make some space in your living room and get ready to crab walk, bear crawl, and inchworm your way through this 12-minute workout!Tiny workouts can make a big difference! Music features in this workout are from Scott Holmes album, Inspiration and Upbeat. Tracks including Storybook, Hot Shot, Stomps and Claps, Upbeat Party, Progress, and Inspirational Outlook.

    Fri, 24 Jan 2020 - 12min
  • 9 - Bedtime Relaxation Stretching Routine

    You've had a long day. You may have sat for a long time, rushed around here and there, or you just feel stressed. This relaxation routine will get your body and mind ready for a good night of sleep.

    Fri, 17 Jan 2020 - 12min
  • 8 - Lift Heavy: Lower Body

    When we lift heavy all sorts of wonderful things happen. We protect ourselves from getting osteoporosis, we speed up our metabolism and we increase our ability to lift heavy things. Oh, and our bodies look better too. #win. This lift heavy workout has moves focused on our lower body. Grab your weights whether they be cans of beans or legit dumbbells. I don't care, but I do want to challenge yourself (but be smart and safe). If you like this workout try out the others on the channel. Tiny workouts can make a big difference! Music features in this workout are from Scott Holmes album, Inspiration and Upbeat. Tracks including Storybook, Hot Shot, Stomps and Claps, Upbeat Party, Progress, and Inspirational Outlook.

    Fri, 10 Jan 2020 - 15min
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