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Confidence Lounge Podcast

Confidence Lounge Podcast

Elyse Conroy

Welcome to the Confidence Lounge Podcast where we cover all things confidence in life & in business. I am your host Elyse Conroy and I am on a passionate mission to help thousands of women across the world feel more confident from the inside out. Because not on my watch am I ever going to watch another woman do insecure life and business again. So if you are ready to become your most confident self, mama or business woman, you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Grab your favorite sparkling beverage, get nice and comfy and and get ready to receive today’s confidence injection!

117 - Did you know you can fail with confidence? Here’s how…
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  • 117 - Did you know you can fail with confidence? Here’s how…

    Did you know that you can fail with confidence? Yes - I said fail with confidence.

    Now, I know some of you might be raising your eyebrows, thinking, "Elyse - What on earth are you talking about?"

    Women give me the side-eye like I've sprouted a second head when I mention failing with confidence.

    But trust me, there's method to this madness.

    Stick around, and I'll break it down for you.

    For years, I've been teaching this concept, especially to women struggling with low self-confidence who hold themselves back because they are scared to fail.

    In today's episode, we're diving deep into:

    1.     Why so many women are scared to fail

    2.     Inspiring examples of women who failed EPICALLY and used this a fuel to achieve MAJOR success

    3.     A revealing question to uncover the truth behind why you personally fear failure

    4.     Practical ways to support yourself as you embrace the concept of failing with confidence

    5.     Creating your fail safe plan to navigate failure without the fear

    So get ready to bid adieu to the "failure is not an option" mindset (PS: This mindset is a major growth limiter) and instead, make room for failure because, spoiler alert: it's inevitable.

    Now – let’s not waste one more second getting you the valuable insights you need so you can start failing with confidence.


    Ready to start failing with confidence? That is exactly what I will show you how to do in our 1:1 work together inside the CAN Program. Tap HERE to get started today.

    Mon, 29 Apr 2024 - 27min
  • 116 - ⚡️A POWERFUL mindset hack to overcome fear of judgement⚡️

    Discover the Life Changing Hack to Conquer Fear of Judgment.

    Join me as I unveil this secret weapon I’ve used to help empower hundreds of women to overcome their fear of judgement and shift into confidence.

    Plus, I am giving you 15 transformative thoughts to combat fear-based thinking & give you all of your control back so you can release the worry of what other people think about you.

    Let’s dive in so we can get you the tools you need right now.

    PS:Ready to start overcoming your fears so you can put yourself out there free from the weight of other peoples opinions of you? Join the CAN Program & we will get started working on the fears that are keeping you stuck right now. Get ready to rewrite your narrative, get control over your mindset so you can finally overcome the fear of judgment and embrace your true self.

    Your journey to confidence starts now.

    Get started here.

    Mon, 22 Apr 2024 - 21min
  • 115 - 5️⃣ things I’m currently struggling with (and what I’m doing to help myself through it)
    Mon, 15 Apr 2024 - 55min
  • 114 - 4️⃣ Crazy Ideas To Help You Overcome Imposter Syndrome

    Ever felt like you're just faking it 'til you make it?If so - You're not alone...

    Studies suggest that around 70% of people experience imposter syndrome at some point in their lives.

    But what exactly is imposter syndrome and how do we overcome this?

    Imposter syndrome is a psychological phenomenon where we doubt our accomplishments and have a persistent fear of being exposed as a "fraud," despite evidence of our competence.

    It can manifest as feelings ofinadequacy, self-doubt, and a fear of being unable to meet expectations.

    In today's episode, I am offering you 4 crazy ways to start overcoming this phenomenon right now.

    I love to hit you with unexpected was to make overcoming the hard things FUN.

    So get ready to open your mind to a few unique ways you may or may have not ever heard before.

    I am so excited to hear your thoughts about this...

    Let's get into it.


    Work together inside the CAN Program

    Mon, 08 Apr 2024 - 40min
  • 113 - The Value Of A Girls Night

    If you follow me on Instagram, you have seen me share about my girls nights out.

    These are something I do for myself 1-2 times per month because these nights bring me back to me.

    And every time I talk about these nights, my DM's blow up.

    So much so, that I did a poll on IG asking if you wanted me to do a podcast on the value of a girls night and how I intentionally plan these in a way that leaves me feeling connected, energized and full of so much love.

    This was the most popular poll I've ever posted so guess what - the time has come to dive deep into the value of girls nights out.

    Because the reality is - we are going through a loneliness epidemic as women.

    The pandemic truly changed the way we connect.

    I know for me, this year I finally felt ready to reemerge back into the world.

    I went from starting my business > to my mom being diagnosed with cancer > to losing a baby > straight into the pandemic > to having a baby - OMG.


    Needless to say, these last few years have been A LOT as I am sure they have been for you too.

    After navigating the pandemic, becoming a caretaker and having my son, I really struggled with feeling disconnected.

    I was operating in full on survival mode which left me feeling alone with 0 fuel left in the tank to do anything.

    At the end of last year after my son turned 1, I felt myself gaining the capacity to socialize again which was SO REFRESHING because I am an energetic extrovert who definitely recharges through spending time with people I love.

    As crazy as it sounds, one of the things that brought me back to life and helped to remind me of who I was on the other side of so many massive life changes was my girls nights out.

    Girls' nights offer a valuable opportunity for us to connect, de-stress, express ourselves, receive support and encouragement, and feel empowered, ultimately contributing to a significant increase in confidence levels.

    I definitely felt that and my hope is that you will too.

    Today we are going deep into why girls nights are one of the most valuable forms of self care.

    I am breaking down the direct correlation between confidence and girls nights out (you will not believe these stats I am about to drop for you ) I am telling you how I plan my nights and why I am so intentional about who I include (hint - no negative Nancy's or energy vampires allowed at Girls Night 😝) I am telling you the 3 specific things that will KILL the vibe of your girls night in an instant (needless to say - you don't want to do these things if you want to have a good night out)

    You want to feel more fulfilled, confident and connected to you?

    Start here by planning your GNO with me.

    Let's get into it.




    Mon, 01 Apr 2024 - 37min
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