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The Patrick Madrid Show

The Patrick Madrid Show

Relevant Radio

The Patrick Madrid Show is your source for the latest in current events and contemporary issues. Join host Patrick Madrid for compelling insights, lively conversations, and encouragement for your day!

6593 - A Protestant Pastor Has Pressing Questions About Catholicism (Special Podcast Highlight)
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  • 6593 - A Protestant Pastor Has Pressing Questions About Catholicism (Special Podcast Highlight)

    "How do we know the Assumption of Mary actually happened? Why is it not mentioned?"


    Patrick Madrid engages with Eric, a Protestant pastor from Helena, Montana, who grapples with understanding Marian doctrines, particularly the Assumption of Mary.


    Eric's Journey:


    Eric is exploring Catholicism but finds the Assumption of Mary challenging due to its sparse mention in early Church writings


    He questions why significant doctrines like the Assumption aren’t explicitly detailed in early Church Father writings, similar to his concerns about infant baptism and Church hierarchy.


    Patrick's Insightful Response:


    Historical Parallels: Patrick compares the development of the Assumption doctrine to the Trinity doctrine, noting:


    Trinity: Not explicitly named until Tertullian in the 3rd century, yet fundamental.


    Assumption: Similar trajectory; less overt early mention but recognized over time.


    Persecution Impact:


    Early Christians focused on survival rather than doctrinal writings.


    Post-persecution, there was an explosion in theological literature, including Marian doctrines.


    Resource Recommendations:


    T.L. Frazer’s Article: Assumptions About Mary – Highlights patristic references to the Assumption.


    Tim Staples' Book: Behold Your Mother– Provides a biblical defense of Marian doctrines.


    Jurgens' Collection: The Faith of the Early Fathers – Indexed quotes on various doctrines, including the Assumption.


    Biblical and Traditional Foundations:


    Patrick emphasizes that Catholicism relies on Scripture and Tradition.

    He mentions Acts 2:38-39 as a biblical basis for infant baptism.


     Personal Reflections:


    Eric shares his family's transition to Catholicism, with three out of four children converting.


    Patrick encourages Eric to keep exploring and offers further resources, including his book Surprised by Truth.


    Patrick reassures Eric about the legitimacy of Marian doctrines, highlighting the importance of Tradition alongside Scripture.


    Takeaway: For those curious about Catholic doctrines, especially the Assumption of Mary, examining Church history, patristic writings, and biblical references can provide clarity and deepen faith understanding.


    Relevant Radio is always here for you as you explore the Catholic faith as well! 


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    Sat, 11 May 2024
  • 6592 - "How Do I Break Free from Pornography?" (Special Podcast Highlight)

    Patrick Madrid has a candid conversation with Jorge, a 27-year-old who’s rekindling his Catholic faith after a 17-year hiatus. Jorge’s struggle? Overcoming the grip of porn addiction and other bad habits formed during his years away from the Church.


    🌟 Key Points from the Conversation:


    Rediscovering Faith: Jorge shares his journey back to Catholicism, filled with love for his newfound spiritual path, but he’s battling long-standing bad habits, particularly porn addiction.


    Taking Radical Steps:


    Be Ruthless: Patrick emphasizes a no-nonsense approach, referencing Jesus' teaching about plucking out the eye if it causes you to sin (metaphorically, of course).


    Eliminate Triggers:

    If the smartphone is the problem, ditch it for a simpler device.

    Load up accountability software on necessary devices to prevent access to inappropriate sites.


    Building Accountability:


    Patrick encourages Jorge to find an accountability partner, someone whose knowledge of his struggle would motivate him to stay clean.


    Cultivating Virtue:


    Replace lust with purity and chastity. This involves practical steps like custody of the eyes—training oneself to look away from potential temptations.


    Community Support:


    Patrick recommends Catholic in Recovery, a 12-step program that’s Jesus-centered and parish-based, helping individuals overcome addictions.


    Spiritual Weapons:


    Pray the Rosary daily.


    Stay close to Jesus through the sacraments.

    Avoid giving any “slack” to bad habits; even a small allowance can lead to a major setback, akin to an alcoholic taking a sip.


    Practical Analogy:


    Patrick likens the fight against porn addiction to lifting weights: initially hard and painful, but persistence builds strength and resilience.


    Moral Imagination:


    Visualize the most embarrassing person knowing about the porn habit and use that as a deterrent and accountability check.


    Jorge’s resolve to overcome his addiction through faith and rigorous discipline serves as an inspiring testament to the power of spiritual commitment and community support. Never give up! Victory over vice is possible

    Fri, 10 May 2024
  • 6591 - The Patrick Madrid Show: May 09, 2024 - Hour 1
    Chuck (email) – I’ve learned so much from reading the Baltimore Catechism St. Joseph Edition Mark - Can God apply future Mass graces to present souls? (06:12) Myra - Sibling passed away who was not baptized. Can I bury him in a Catholic Cemetery with my family? Can I have a Mass said for him? (14:05) Ann (email) – What is it that allows Mary to appear to people all over the world? (18:46) Email – My dad was a drunk, and now I see myself acting like him Todd (email) – What’s the best way to respond an LDS member who calls himself a Christian since their baptism isn’t valid? Grace – How can I talk to my parents about their marriage? I know my dad was married twice before my mother and I would love if their marriage was blessed.
    Thu, 09 May 2024
  • 6590 - The Patrick Madrid Show: May 09, 2024 - Hour 2

    Triple-Match Hour!

    Thu, 09 May 2024
  • 6589 - The Patrick Madrid Show: May 09, 2024 - Hour 3
    Grace – How can I talk to my parents about their marriage? I know my dad was married twice before my mother and I would love if their marriage was blessed. (03:23) Janette (email) – How does Ellen Gould White’s name equate to 666 in Latin? Vince - How can I explain that people in others faiths, however good and devout, are not saved? (27:19) Jerod – Did all the people in the Old Testament have God dwelling in them like we do today? (40:43) Debbie – I had an encounter with an atheist and he hated the Catholic Church. I was able to calmly talk to him because of all I’ve learned from Relevant Radio
    Thu, 09 May 2024
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