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That Shit Movie's Quite Good

That Shit Movie's Quite Good

Graeme Crow

Graeme Crow loves movies like cocker spaniels like rolling in wet, weird stuff. He’s a sport nut, has a ridiculous amount of televisions, and likes to watch movies far too many times. There are photos of him on the About page in a dress. His wife wrote this bio.

26 - Dark City
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  • 26 - Dark City

    What happens when you watch a movie, then sit down to record without notes. Well in today's episode Uncle Phil and Graeme did just that, as they discussed the Alex Proyas Film Dark City. A scifi film noir thriller set in a world where the sun never rises. We think we did a pretty good job and so did 

    Alex Proyas. This movie will keep you on the edge of your seat so sit back and enjoy as we review Dark City.


    Tue, 23 Aug 2022 - 1h 13min
  • 25 - Darkman

    We're back with a new episode, Payton Westlake is a genetic scientist who happens to be in the wrong apartment (his) at the wrong time when a criminal organisation comes looking for a document that would incriminate them and a construction magnate, in dirty dealings. Burnt to a crisp, he sets about his twisted revenge whilst trying to save the woman that he loves. Phil and Graeme unpack today's film and lift the mask on Darkman, So sit back turn the sound up to 11 (because the audio is dodgy due to our inability to record remotely) and enjoy. No really the audio is shite!!!!!

    Tue, 08 Feb 2022 - 1h 09min
  • 24 - Bubba-Hotep

    Elvis is alive and living a solitary life in a run down Texas nursing home when he is confronted by an ancient Egyptian mummy with a penchant for snakeskin boots and Captain Jack Sparrow’s wardrobe. Can he, and the once thought dead JFK, forgo their colostomy bags and Zimmer frames and defeat the mummy before he takes the souls of the nearly departed? Sit back and enjoy today's offering as we discuss Bubba-Hotep.

    Fri, 08 Oct 2021 - 1h 01min
  • 23 - The Wild Geese

    Colonel Falkner is hired to rescue an imprisoned African president before he's handed over to the countries dictator, assembling 50 hardened mercenaries, they set off for central Africa. Can they complete the mission or will the London based merchant banker double-cross them before they get out? Today we discuss morals amongst mercenaries, a white banker trying to do a Cecil Rhodes, and why this film is a bit problematic.  Enjoy as we return to the ‘70s to review The Wild Geese.

    Thu, 12 Aug 2021 - 1h 44min
  • 22 - Hunter Killer

    There's trouble brewing in Russia, and who better to send in to cease hostilities but Capt Glass (Gerrard Butler) of course.

    Will he and his seal team be able to rescue the Russian President from a military coup or are they just plain chicken,

    and will Finn make it to bed in time to get plenty of rest before his maths exam.

    listen to today's episode to find out. (No bears were harmed or ridden by presidents in this episode).

    Thu, 24 Jun 2021 - 1h 17min
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