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News For Kids

563 - Telescope Finds An Old, Old Galaxy
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  • 563 - Telescope Finds An Old, Old Galaxy

    Telescope Finds An Old, Old Galaxy Tomorrow is Star Wars Day! So here’s a story about a galaxy far, far away… 明天是星際大戰日! Telescopes let us see things that are very far away. We can see the moon, stars, and planets. The bigger the telescope is, the more we can see. 望遠鏡可以讓我們看到很遠的東西,像是月球、恆星、還有行星。望遠鏡越大,看得越遠。 The James Webb Telescope is the biggest telescope in space today. It goes around and around the sun. It takes pictures. Then it sends them to Earth. Scientists study the pictures. 詹姆士.韋伯望遠鏡是現今最大的太空望遠鏡。它環繞太陽拍照,再傳回地球給科學家研究。 This telescope takes many cool pictures! It took pictures that show how stars are made. It also took pictures of a small galaxy. Scientists say this galaxy is the oldest we have seen. They say it made between one hundred million stars… and one billion stars! 它拍了很多很酷的照片,讓人看到星星是怎麼形成的,也拍到人類到現在為止看過的最古老的銀河,這個銀河產生了有高達一億到十億個星星。 This galaxy died thirteen billion years ago! That means it stopped making stars then. 但這個銀河在130億年前就不再形成新的星球了。 Telescopes let us see new things far, far away in space! Who knows what pictures the Webb Telescope will send next? Have a great Star Wars Day tomorrow… Tomorrow is May the fourth. It’s a good day to say “May the force be with you!” Vocabulary 韋伯太空望遠鏡拍攝的照片,大大增加科學家對太空的了解。 1. million 百萬 Wow, check out this cluster of stars! 哇,你看這一群星星! It’s like they’re having a party there! 他們好像在那兒開派對! Let me see it. 讓我看看。 Yeah, there must be millions of stars there! 對啊,那裏一定有好幾百萬顆星星。 2. billion 十億 No, way more than that. 不對,比那個多很多。 I would say billions of them. 我想有好幾十億顆。 3. go around 環繞 Do you think they all go around one center? 你覺得星星都繞著一個中心轉嗎? That’s a good question. 好問題。 picture 照片、圖片 Google says they do. 谷歌說是那樣沒錯。 We can find some pictures to prove that. 我們可以找到一些照片來證明這一點。 我們一起讀單字。 million百萬 billion十億 go around環繞 picture照片、圖片 Quiz 1. What day is tomorrow? a. Star Wars Day b. Star Force Day c. Star Tours Day 2. What does the Webb Telescope go around? a. The sun b. The moon c. The Earth 3. How many years ago did this galaxy stop making stars? a. Ninety million b. One billion c. Thirteen billion Answers: 1. a 2. a 3. c

    Thu, 02 May 2024
  • 562 - A Corpse Flower Blooms and Stinks

    A Corpse Flower Blooms and Stinks Whoa! What's that smell?! Is there a dead fish somewhere?! Are there dirty socks? Is there stinky cheese? Is there… poop?!? 這是什麼氣味?是死掉的魚、臭襪子、臭起司,還是糞便的氣味呢? This year, a corpse flower bloomed.* *It’s at a museum in California. That bad smell came from this very big, beautiful, dark red flower. 今年加州一座博物館裡有一株巨花魔芋開花了,它又叫做屍花。花朵本身暗紅色,又大又漂亮,但是很難聞。 It doesn’t have a nice name! But the name tells us the smell is VERY bad. "Corpse" means dead body…! 它沒有一個好名字,Corpse就是屍體,從名字我們就可以知道它有多難聞。 These flowers smell when they bloom. Smelling bad helps them! Some insects eat dead animals. These insects love this flower's smell! They help the flowers make seeds. 它開花的時候會散發臭味。有一些吃動物屍體的昆蟲喜歡這種氣味,會來拜訪,幫忙授粉。 There aren't many corpse flowers. They don't bloom often. They bloom for a very short time - one or two days! 屍花很稀有,而且它們不常開花,花期也只維持短短的一到兩天。 So when one blooms, it's in the news! It’s on TV! It's a star! People get excited! One man drove fourteen hours to see one! 所以只要屍花開花都會上新聞,大家都很期待,有人甚至開車開了14個鐘頭,就為了親眼見到。 This beautiful flower smells bad. But the smell does something good! Nature is cool, isn't it?! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 這種特殊而巨大的花,花形漂亮,氣味卻難聞。 1. stinky 臭的 What’s this bad smell? 這個難聞氣味是什麼? I think it’s coming from those lilies. 我想是那些百合發出來的。 They become stinky after being in the vase for several days. 它們在花瓶裡待了幾天之後就會變臭。 2. bloom 開花 I love lilies when they begin blooming. 我很喜歡百合剛剛開花的時候。 Me too. They are beautiful flowers. 我也是,確實是漂亮的花。 3. red 紅色的 Did you know there are red lilies? 你知道有紅百合嗎? No, I didn’t. 我不知道呢。 They are very nice. Good for Mother’s Day! 很好看,很適合母親節。 4. this year 今年 My mom loves red flowers. 我媽媽喜歡紅花. Then you know what to give her this year. 那你就知道今年要送她什麼了。 今天的單字很好玩。 stinky臭的 bloom開花 red紅色的 this year今年 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What happens when corpse flowers bloom? a. They eat insects. b. Insects eat them. c. They smell bad. 2. How long do corpse flowers bloom? a. One or two days b. One or two weeks c. One or two years 3. How many hours did a man drive to see a corpse flower? a. four b. fourteen c. forty Answers: 1. c 2. a 3. b

    Wed, 01 May 2024
  • 561 - Kaohsiung Harbor Duck Race

    Kaohsiung Harbor Duck Race Kaohsiung Harbor has many things to see. It has big ships! They carry many things to and from Taiwan. It has ferryboats! They take visitors around the harbor. And sometimes it has races!* * 高雄港有很多船隻運送貨物,也有渡輪可以帶遊客繞港口,有時候還會辦比賽! Many people came to watch one race. They watched from the harbor. And they watched from the Great Harbor Bridge! People wore yellow hats with… duck faces? Huh! 很多人為了看一場比賽,擠滿高雄港跟大港橋,而且大家都戴著黃色小鴨的帽子。 The race was three hundred fifty meters long! Who was in the race? Fifteen thousand yellow rubber ducks were! 這場比賽全長350公尺,是誰要比賽呢? 是1萬5千隻的橡皮小鴨。 Do you like rubber ducks? They're small and cute. They float on water. So these fifteen thousand yellow rubber ducks floated. They didn't race. 你喜歡橡皮小鴨嗎?它們又小又可愛。它們會浮在水上但不會比賽。 Some people got on boats! They sprayed the ducks with water! The ducks moved! People cheered! Go, duckies, go! 船上有一些人對著小鴨灑水,讓它們往前移動。 Each duck had a number on it. People also had a number. Fifty ducks won big prizes! Fifty people with those ducks' numbers got the prizes! 小鴨身上有號碼,民眾手上也有號碼。對應到前50名小鴨的號碼就可以得到獎品。 Then the ducks were cleaned. Fifteen thousand lucky kids got a duck! Maybe they'll play with their ducks in the bath! Go, duckie, go! Vocabulary 小黃鴨的比賽,其實是人用噴水的方式讓它們前進。 1. yellow 黃色的 I’m going to Kaohsiung this weekend. 我這周末要去高雄。 To see the yellow duck in the harbor, right? 去看港口的黃色鴨鴨,對吧? I wish.我真希望是。 2. float 漂浮 But it’s not there anymore. 但是它已經不在那裏了。 Oh, no! I haven’t seen it yet.糟糕,我還沒看呢! I sure like the sight of a giant yellow duck floating on water. 我真喜歡胖大黃鴨鴨浮在水上的樣子。 3. cute 可愛的 I know. Isn’t it cute? 我懂啊,可不是很可愛嘛? That duck always makes me smile. 那隻鴨子總會讓我微笑。 4. bath 洗澡 I think it reminds people of taking a bath. 我猜它讓人想到洗澡。 Yeah, my son loves playing with the ducks in the bathtub. 我兒子就很喜歡在澡盆裡跟小鴨鴨玩。 來一起讀單字。 yellow黃色的 float漂浮 cute可愛的 bath洗澡 Quiz 1. Where was the race? a. Tamsui River b. Kaohsiung Harbor c. Sun Moon Lake 2. How many ducks were in the race? a. 10,000 b. 15,000 c. 20,000 3. Who got the cleaned ducks? a. Kids b. Prizes c. People on boats Answers: 1. b 2. b 3. a

    Tue, 30 Apr 2024
  • 560 - Snow for Kids

    Snow for Kids Have you seen snow? Every year, in winter, many places around the world get cold. Some places get so cold, it doesn't rain. It snows. Cold white fluffy snow falls. It makes everything white! 你看過雪嗎?很多地方每年冬天都會下雪,白雪讓所有的東西都變成白色。 In the north of China, winter gets very, very cold. Everything is white with snow. But in the south, it doesn't get cold. Kids don't see snow there. 中國北方冬天非常寒冷都會下雪,但是在南方就沒有那麼冷,南方的小朋友都看不到雪。 Some nice people in the north wanted to take snow to a school in the south. The school is for kids with disabilities. Many kids there have a hard time learning or moving. 有些北方人想要把雪送到南方一間特別學校,那裏的小朋友有學習障礙。 The people put snow into three big trucks. These trucks keep things very cold. Then they drove for three days! 這些北方人用三個大貨車把雪裝起來,他們足足開了三天。 Three thousand three hundred kilometers later, they opened the trucks. The kids were very excited! It was the first time they saw snow! 他們一路開了3300公里到南方,把貨車後門打開。小朋友非常興奮,這是他們第一次看到雪! They touched the snow. It was fluffy and very cold! They played with the snow! They made snowmen and snowballs! The kids were very happy! 雪又軟又冰,小朋友堆雪人又打雪仗,非常開心! The snow melted, but the kids will remember it. They had a fun and exciting snow day! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 從北方千里迢迢運白雪到南邊,只為了讓兒童看看雪。 1. north 北方 It's snowing in Hokkaido! 北海道在下雪! Can you believe that? 你相信嗎? Now? It's almost summer! 現在喔? 馬上就要到夏天了! It's in the far north, so… 那裏在遙遠的北方,所以… 2. white 白色的 I'd love to see it, 我好想看看雪,to lie down on the white and fluffy snow. 躺在白色鬆軟的雪地上。 No, you wouldn't want that. 你不會想要那樣。 3. cold 冷的 It's very cold when it snows. 下雪時很冷的。 I can wear a heavy coat and gloves. 我可以穿厚外套,戴手套。 4. the first time 第一次 Yeah, I guess so. 我想也是。 The first time I saw snow, I was very excited, too. 我第一次看到雪也好興奮。 我們來讀單字吧。 north北方 white白色的 cold冷的 the first time第一次 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. What part of China was the snow from? a. North b. South c. West 2. How did the people deliver the snow? a. By train b. By car c. By truck 3. What did the kids do with the snow? a. Took it home b. Cleaned it c. Made snowmen Answers: 1. a 2. c 3. c

    Mon, 29 Apr 2024
  • 559 - Dancing with Frogs

    Dancing with Frogs Five, six, seven, eight! Let’s dance! Today is International Dance Day! 今天是世界舞蹈日,來一起跳舞吧! Let’s dance with some poison dart frogs! Poison?! 我們一起跟箭毒蛙跳舞! 什麼?! Yes. Don't touch them, but dance with them! These colorful frogs are very good at tap dancing! 沒有錯,記得不要碰牠們喔! 這些顏色鮮豔的青蛙很會跳踢踏舞。 Poison dart frogs have four toes on their feet. They can tap their long middle toes very fast. How fast? They can tap them about 500 times… in one minute! 箭毒蛙一隻腳有四個腳趾,牠們會用長的中間的腳趾快速敲擊地面,有多快呢?一分鐘可以敲500次。 Our eyes can't see their tapping toes! They're too fast! Watch out! These frogs are going to win all the tap dancing contests! 牠的速度快到我們看不清楚,這些青蛙可以成為踢踏舞比賽冠軍! Scientists in three countries are studying why poison dart frogs tap their toes. Some scientists found that the frogs may tap dance to find food. 來自三個國家的科學家研究為什麼箭毒蛙要用腳趾敲擊地面,他們發現有可能是為了覓食。 What do these frogs eat? They eat moving insects. When these frogs tap dance, insects nearby move. When insects move, it's easier for the frogs to see… and catch them! 原來箭毒蛙專吃活動的昆蟲。敲打地面會讓附近的昆蟲動起來,箭毒蛙就更容易看到獵物。 Maybe poison dart frogs tap dance for food. Can we dance for our dinner too? Then we won't need money to pay for it! Quick! Let's dance to find out! Happy International Dance Day! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 箭毒蛙跳踢踏舞,可能是為了找食物。 1. find 尋找 Look! A dancing bird. 你看,一隻跳舞的鳥。 Wow, you’re right! 哇,你說得對。 It IS dancing.牠確實在跳舞。 I think it’s trying to find a mate.我想牠在努力找伴侶。 2. nearby 附近 But I can’t see another bird. 但我看不到另外一隻鳥。 She must be nearby. 牠一定在附近。 How do you know it’s a “she”? 你怎麼知道另一隻是母鳥? Usually the male bird does the mating dance. 通常是公鳥跳求偶舞。 3. win 贏得 To win her heart? 好贏得牠的芳心? Yeah, you could put it that way. 對,可以這麼說。 4. move 移動 He’s moving his feet so fast! 牠的腳動得有夠快! Right, and it’s working. See, there she is. 對,很有用喔。看,牠出現了。 今天的單字你記得嗎? find尋找 nearby附近 win贏得 move移動 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. What do poison dart frogs tap? a. Arms b. Nose c. Toes 2. How many times can poison dart frogs tap in one minute? a. 50 b. 500 c. 5,000 3. What kind of food do poison dart frogs eat? a. Dry b. Moving c. Cooked Answers: 1. c 2. b 3. b

    Sun, 28 Apr 2024
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